In the competitive landscape of Instagram marketing, creating marketing initiatives that stand out is crucial to win mindshare. This how to guide provides a detailed walkthrough on leveraging Aeon to transform your content into engaging Instagram Reels that captivate your target audience and amplify your brand’s presence.

The video provides a detailed walkthrough, but we have also summarized the steps below.  We'll use as an example a luxury wallpaper company that produces quite a bit of content around the artists and designers they collaborate with.  With Aeon, a compelling Instagram reel can be made to promote each and every article without any additional work, and sticking with the high-end brand's guidelines.

Step 1: Identifying Your Content Base

Begin by selecting the content you wish to feature in your Instagram ad. Consider using compelling narratives, such as interviews with artists or designers, that align with your brand’s offerings, like fine wallpapers or home accessories. Ensure these narratives are rich in visual content to make the most out of the visual-centric nature of Instagram.

Step 2: Setting Up Brand Guidelines in Aeon

Aeon allows you to establish detailed brand guidelines that dictate the style and tone of your video. To create these guidelines:

Define Your Writing Style: Use samples from your website or previous marketing materials to set a tone that matches your brand’s voice.

Visual Notes: Emphasize the focus on people, places, and items discussed in your content. Avoid unrelated graphics to maintain brand consistency.

Storyboard Outline: Draft a concise outline that begins with an engaging hook, highlights key interview points, and ends with a strong call to action directing viewers to your website.

Step 3: Creating Visual Layouts Without Templates

Aeon’s unique approach to video creation involves the use of visual layouts rather than rigid templates. This feature allows for greater flexibility and customization:

Customize Visual Layouts: Edit existing layouts to fit your content’s narrative. Incorporate a mix of still images from your article and dynamic videos from related Instagram Reels to enrich your ad’s visual appeal.

Specify Scene Components: Clearly define the role of each visual element within your layout, such as placing article images at the bottom of the screen and videos at the top, to optimize for Instagram’s vertical format.

Step 4: Launching the Video Creation Process

With Aeon, transforming your content into a video ad is straightforward:

Select Brand Guidelines: Choose the previously established guidelines that best match the video you intend to create.

Input Content URL: Provide the URL of the content you’re converting into an ad. Aeon supports bulk conversion, allowing for multiple pieces of content to be transformed simultaneously.

Configure Video Settings: Set the desired resolution and length for your Instagram ad. Aeon accommodates various formats, ensuring flexibility in your creative process.

Authorize Asset Use: Enable Aeon to pull relevant assets from your webpage and associated Instagram accounts by selecting the appropriate options.

Choose Audio Components: Select a text-to-speech voice and soundtrack from Aeon’s library to complement your video’s visual elements.

Step 5: Reviewing and Finalizing Your Video

After Aeon renders your video, take a moment to review the final product. The software provides options to adjust narration, imagery, and other elements to ensure the video aligns perfectly with your brand’s vision. This final step ensures that your Instagram ad not only captures attention but also encourages viewers to engage with your content and explore your products.


By following these steps in Aeon, marketers can harness the power of AI to create Instagram advertisements that are not only visually appealing but also strategically aligned with their brand’s goals. This process not only saves valuable time and resources but also opens up new possibilities for creative expression and audience engagement on one of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Start leveraging Aeon today to elevate your brand’s Instagram presence and connect with your audience in more meaningful ways.