The Gentle Giant of Social Media

Reddit is one of the web’s highest traffic getters, and expanding at a healthy clip, all while generating far less discourse about itself than rivals YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and X, perhaps leading to a perception that Reddit is smaller, less relevant. But if we measure size and impact, Reddit is massive and—at least from the perspective of publishers and content creators—deserving of the kind of attention that these other platforms receive.

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Growth of average time spent on Reddit in 2024 (Source: EMARKETER Daily newsletter)

Reddit has certain rare qualities that are of utility to publishers and content creators. At the same time, its self-governing, community-centric model presents unique challenges for those looking to take advantage of its vast distribution potential. 

This article will contextualize Reddit’s position within the social ecosystem, explain its offerings for publishers and content creators, highlight the hurdles to successful content marketing that Reddit presents, outline best practices for maximizing efforts on Reddit, and share some thoughts on evaluating attribution and ROI.

Assessing Reddit’s Footprint

Reddit is probably a lot larger than you think. I say “probably” because I don’t know what you think. Maybe you think Reddit is the world’s most trafficked website, the undisputed hegemon in a unipolar world, ruling the waves and waiving the rules. If that’s the case, what I’m about to reveal will underwhelm. But I’m guessing that there are more than a few of you who might not be fully aware of Reddit’s scale and place among the great user-fueled social platforms, at least I hope so, because the framing of Reddit as the underestimated, underrated star performer of the social media world is critical to this article’s coherence.

So, if you’re a high priest in the Church of Reddit, a true believer, you needn’t read further. This article is merely an irreverent acknowledgement of the awesome power of your deity, written from the perspective of a heretic. If you’re instead a grounded but keen and highly tapped-in social media watcher, you don’t need convincing on the potency of the platform, but you might still find grazable pastures over the hill of this section, down in the valley of tactical topics below.

Reddit’s Metrics

Global Ranking

According to Similarweb’s September 2024 rankings,  Reddit is the 9th most visited website in the world. YouTube is 2nd, Facebook is 3rd, Instagram is 4th, X is 5th, TikTok is 15th, and LinkedIn is 19th. According to Semrush, it takes the 6th place in the same category.

unnamed (8)-2Reddit Rankings as of September 2024 Source: Semrush, Similarweb

Just a note on this and the following: That ranks from Similarweb, and Semrush don’t match is not particularly meaningful for this discussion. Ultimately, the two services draw on different data sources, use different methodologies, and therefore rank different things. In another context, these idiosyncrasies might matter a lot, but we’re content with the fact that two reputable analytics platforms agree that Reddit is among the very largest websites in the world by the metrics each chooses to calculate and share.

United States Ranking

In the U.S., Reddit ranks 5th, according to Similarweb. YouTube is 2nd, Facebook is 3rd, Instagram is 8th, X is 7th, LinkedIn is 10th and TikTok is 16th. And according to Semrush, Reddit ranks 3rd.

Comparing it to several of the other large global platforms, Reddit stands out as having a much higher US rank than its global rank. TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and X all had either the same or higher global ranks than US ranks, demonstrating that Reddit is unusually US-centric among its peers. This geographical concentration probably matters to certain publishers and content creators.

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Traffic Volume

Reddit had 3.6 billion total visits in August 2024, according to Similarweb. In the same period,  YouTube had 29.5B, Facebook had 12.9B, Instagram had 5.9B, X had 4.8B, TikTok had 2.3B, and LinkedIn had 1.7B.

unnamed (12)-1Website views in August 2024 (Source: Similarweb)

SEO Visibility Growth

Reddit has seen a 1,328% increase in SEO visibility on Google since late July 2023,  moving from 85th to 7th position on the Sistrix list of "Top Domains" for SEO visibility in the past eight months.

unnamed (11)-2The explosive growth of Reddit in SEO visibility on (Source: Amsive)

In a couple of earlier blog posts discussing the fallout from the Google API documentation leak and the growing body evidence of Google undergoing platform decay, we noted that Google Search algos seem to increasingly favor recognizable brands and, in so doing, dampen the influence of content quality on SERP rankings. 

This is not to say that Google is deliberately penalizing content for being too good. On the contrary, every indication is that Google still evaluates content quality and boosts higher quality content, all else being equal. However, SERPs are basically zero-sum. For one to rise in the ranking, it must displace something else. Similarly, if brand recognition matters more to determining rankings, all others signals, cumulatively, matter less.

Third-party analysis on why Reddit has seen such explosive organic search traffic growth lately focuses largely on the changes to Google’s algorithm that we’ve discussed. Reddit appears to be one of the sites benefitting from the updates that have cratered the traffic of very popular niche websites like Retro Dodo and HouseFresh

Another avenue of speculation surrounds Google’s recent deal with Reddit to license content for AI development. If Google put its hand on the scale and redirected more traffic to Reddit than normal, would Reddit’s content be more valuable for AI development? This is merely speculation. Other forum-oriented sites like Quora and LinkedIn have seen ample organic search growth too, though not as much as Reddit.

unnamed (10)-2Organic traffic growth by Forum (Complied by: The Data Stream)

Where Reddit Stands

These numbers place Reddit at the very top of the web traffic food chain, very much a peer platform of the upper echelon, both globally and in the United States. Additionally, Reddit’s recent exponential growth in organic search performance and formal business relationship with Google position it for great visibility across the vast terrain of topics passionately discussed by Redditors.

Reddit’s Qualitative Profile

OK, Reddit is huge, but is it a good platform for publishers to promote their content? As we’ll get into later, it requires a very careful and thoughtful approach, one that recognizes the supremacy of the community and bottom-up relationship building. But, with the right approach and strategy, Reddit is a goldmine for publishers. Here’s why.

Niche Communities

Reddit has more than 100,000 active subreddits (topic-specific communities), allowing publishers to target highly specific audiences that are deeply engaged in particular subjects. When those subjects intersect with content creators’ interests, Reddit communities become a great source for ideas, feedback, networking, collaboration, and commerce.

Engaged Users

Reddit users are hungry for topical content to inform them and spark discussion with their community mates. When they are respectfully and organically presented with good content, they will share and interact with it enthusiastically.

Organic Reach

If content generates enough interaction, it garners sustained in-platform visibility, remaining near the top of the subreddit feed and, on some occasions, breaking into other popular areas in the site and outside.

Traffic Generation

Posts that gain traction drive substantial traffic to originating websites, blogs, and other platforms. The users driving that traffic tend to strongly represent the topical interest that serves as the best foundation for long-term relationships between content creators and content consumers.

Feedback Loop

Reddit users provide direct, unfiltered feedback that is validated by the community through upvotes and downvotes, turning subreddits into free focus groups, which is incredibly valuable for understanding audiences, gathering and vetting content ideas, and meeting potential collaborators.

Navigating Reddit’s Risks

Community Moderation and Rules

Each subreddit has rules about what kind of content can be posted, who can post and participate, and what behaviors are permitted. Some groups are more lax than others, but many of the most engaged communities have—if not rules—strongly defended cultures that new entrants are expected to adopt.

It’s no surprise that these communities are highly resistant to self-promotion, so simply dropping links to articles or products can result in your post being removed or your account being banned.

Reputation Risk

Reddit users are quick to call out spammy or overly promotional content. If your posts are seen as self-serving, it can damage your brand’s reputation on the platform and among the niche community that you’re targeting. 

Something like the “hire slow, fire fast” business axiom, communities will expect members to earn acceptance through consistent positive contributions over time but will attack perceived parasitic actors with haste to protect the integrity of the group.

The damage done to reputation inside the subreddit can follow content creators outside as well, as Redditors engage in other platforms, bringing with them knowledge of the reputations of those particularly who violated the trust of the communities to which they belong.

Time and Effort

To be successful on Reddit, publishers must genuinely engage with the community, participate in discussions, and contribute value beyond just sharing links. This requires time to absorb the rules, internalize the culture, and understand the dynamics of the group.

Upvotes/Downvotes System

Content promotion on Reddit relies heavily on the upvote/downvote system. This system, together with the community-run subreddit model, is Reddit’s secret sauce, its primary differentiator vis-à-vis the world of major user-generated web apps. 

While YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok are algorithmically driven—indisputably successfully, of course—Reddit has found a way to scale volunteer human curation such that social proof more directly dictates the experience of users, which might be less effective at capturing attention than the algorithms but more transparent and trusted.

Best Practices for Publishers on Reddit

  • Understand your target audience.

  • Identify the subreddits where your potential customers are active and engage in those communities authentically.

  • Provide value first: Focus on sharing helpful information, answering questions, and contributing to discussions without overtly promoting your brand. Build trust and credibility over time.

  • Create high-quality, original content tailored to Reddit's audience. This could include informative text posts, infographics, AMAs (Ask Me Anything sessions), or video content.

  • Engage consistently. Be an active participant in relevant subreddits by commenting, upvoting, and interacting regularly, not just when promoting your own content.

  • Follow Reddiquette, Reddit's rules and etiquette, as well as subreddit rules and norms. Avoid even the appearance of spamming, excessive self-promotion, or community disdain.

  • Use a conversational, authentic tone. Redditors appreciate genuine interactions rather than corporate-speak.

  • Leverage Reddit's unique features like AMAs or "Ask Reddit" style posts to gather insights and engage directly with your audience.

  • Monitor mentions of your brand or industry and participate in those conversations when appropriate.

  • Consider Reddit advertising to complement your organic efforts, but ensure ads are relevant and non-intrusive.

  • Analyze your performance using Reddit's analytics tools and your own analytics platform, and adjust your strategy based on what resonates with the community.

Remember, success on Reddit requires a long-term approach focused on building relationships and providing value to the community. Quick promotional tactics are often poorly received and can backfire.

Reddit ROI vs. Other Platforms

Organic Reach Potential

Successful content on Reddit can gain significant organic visibility and engagement without paid promotion, unlike other platforms where organic reach is declining.

Brand Awareness and Credibility

Consistent, valuable contributions on Reddit can build brand awareness and credibility in ways that may be harder to achieve on other platforms. If you are embraced by the community, members will help you with shares, signal boosts, encouragement, and even commerce.

Low Direct Costs

Content marketing on Reddit often relies primarily on time investment rather than large advertising budgets, potentially offering good ROI for businesses with limited resources. Unfortunately, time is an extremely limited resource, but it’s hard to effectively market on Reddit without a considerable investment in time.

On the other hand, publishers and content creators are already accustomed to investing time in content. If the content is high quality and resonates with a target audience, such as a subreddit community, much of the groundwork is in place, though it may not be effectively packaged for Reddit.

Attribution Challenges

Like other content marketing efforts, it can be difficult to directly attribute conversions and sales to Reddit activities, making ROI calculations challenging. Engagement on Reddit and traffic originating from Reddit are better gauges of ROI than conversions from direct traffic. Reddit is best used as an indicator of target audience alignment rather than a bottom-of-the-funnel transaction play.

Complementary Strategy

Reddit content marketing often works best as part of a multi-channel approach, rather than a standalone strategy. We have made our case for diversifying marketing efforts beyond Google, anticipating the near future as the search competition heats up with new entrants and new LLM tech. But the same broad advice applies—you know the old proverb about eggs and baskets—to Reddit.

Just keep in mind that a truly complementary strategy is one that efficiently covers a lot of ground, where assets are reused intelligently and packaged for native conformity to various media, where tools passively perform much of the listening and analysis, and where publishers and content creators are not overwhelmed with marketing responsibilities. It is possible.

Overall, content marketing on Reddit can offer competitive ROI, especially for businesses looking to build long-term relationships with niche audiences. However, its effectiveness depends heavily on the approach taken and may be more difficult to measure compared to more direct marketing channels.


Reddit offers a unique and powerful platform for content marketing, particularly for those looking to engage with niche audiences in an authentic, organic way. Its vast, highly engaged user base, combined with the platform's transparency and community-driven nature, make it a potential treasure trove for publishers who are willing to invest the time to understand the culture and dynamics of individual subreddits. 

While Reddit poses challenges—such as its strong aversion to overt self-promotion and the time commitment required for genuine community engagement—the rewards can be substantial. Publishers who approach Reddit with a long-term, value-first mindset can build trust, foster meaningful conversations, and drive significant traffic to their owned media sites. As part of a well-rounded, multi-channel content strategy, Reddit has the potential to deliver considerable ROI, but success depends on the ability to navigate its risks and leverage its opportunities thoughtfully and strategically.