The Urgent Need for Change

AI is driving a revolution in digital media publishing, and change is no longer an option. The future belongs to those who can harness human ingenuity and AI efficiency.

Change isn't just knocking on the door in the digital media and publishing landscape—it's kicking it down. Industry luminaries are increasingly sounding the alarm: Adapt or Perish.

As Spencer Johnson wisely noted in his bestseller Who Moved My Cheese, "If you do not change, you can become extinct." Yet, many in our industry seem content to ponder innovation rather than embrace it. 

It's as if we're all trapped in a slow-mo race with survival as the ultimate prize.

Reimagining the Publishing Ecosystem

Rob Beeler of hit the nail on the head when he said, "Publishers have to build a new future on a new foundation, brick by brick. There is no one thing to think through – it's all the things." 

This isn't just about tweaking a few processes; it's about reimagining the entire publishing ecosystem. So, what could this new publisher ecosystem look like?

Short-Term Strategy: AI-Powered Upskilling

In the short term, it's about upskilling everyone inside the organization by giving them AI tools for everyday activities. A new generation of AI-powered tools are emerging to help build this foundation. 

As Burhan Hamid, CTO of Time Inc., astutely observed at Admonster’s Pub Forum, "We should not fear losing jobs to AI, but instead fear losing our job because we are not using AI." 

It's not just about keeping up; it's about staying ahead. The most immediate wins come from Revenue Ops and Content Teams that can crunch more data more efficiently than ever before.

Long-Term Strategy: Empowering Content Creators

But the long game? That's where content creators will shine.

As reported on Inc., Peter Thiel suggests AI will create "opportunities for those with strong verbal skills," opening new doors for those who can masterfully wield words. 

In other words, AI tools without serious prompt engineering are going to generate ‘return to the mean’ type content”; meaning, it's going to appear as though the content is starting to resemble each other because the prompts are too generic, and this is why those with verbal prowess will be in a better position.

AI's Impact on Writing Quality

This potential is already being realized. As Ray Schultz reported in MediaPost, "writers who had access to one AI idea fared better than those with none, but individuals with access to five AI ideas did better… They wrote stories that were 8% more novel and 9% more useful, and the worst writers did considerably better than they would have without AI."

However, Schultz also raises valid concerns about fairness, noting, "It's one thing if amateur writers use AI to post things [o]n social media. It's another if hedge funds that own newspapers… hire them because they're cheaper than newsroom professionals who learned their craft the hard way and can write without crutches."

The solution isn't to shy away from AI, but to find a balance—marrying seasoned expertise with AI-enhanced creativity.

Adapting to Changing Content Consumption Patterns

Numbers don't lie: success in today's media landscape demands a symbiosis of thoughtful, well-crafted journalism and bite-sized, shareable content. This is where AI truly shines. 

As Gen Z and millennials increasingly turn to video and social media for their news fix, we're seeing a shift in content consumption patterns. These quick-scroll formats often germinate from human-generated ideas or articles, highlighting the continued importance of human creativity in the content pipeline.

Embracing the AI-Powered Future

To thrive in this new era, we must wholeheartedly embrace technological change. By striking the right balance between human ingenuity and AI-powered tools, we can unlock new possibilities in storytelling. This approach not only ensures the creation of more authentic, engaging content but also opens doors to untapped audiences and revenue streams. 

In essence, it's about using AI not as a replacement but as an amplifier of human creativity—allowing us to tell more stories, reach more people, and make a bigger impact in the digital age.

Conclusion: Shape the Future or Watch It Unfold

As we navigate this digital transformation, remember: the future of publishing belongs to those who can harness both human ingenuity and AI efficiency. 

The question is, will you be shaping that future or merely watching it unfold?